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How to balance startup and family life


Balance Startup and Family life

Entrepreneurship is not easy! In fact, it’s a daunting and time-consuming task. To ensure its success, you must devote all your time, attention, and effort towards your business. In simple words, it means sacrificing personal commitments and putting in extra hours during the weekends as well as holidays. But what about business owners who also have family responsibilities? How do they juggle time between their work and household? Is entrepreneurship only for the single and young?  Can they balance startup and family life?

Family outside-Balance Startup and Family

According to Pew Research, more than 50% of American parents agree that it’s difficult to find a balance between work and their family. Another survey reveals that family pressure for time and money is one of the leading reasons entrepreneurs are unable to concentrate on their work.

Balancing family and startup life is tough. However, work and relationships are both important aspects of life and one has to keep an equilibrium between them to avoid any conflicts. To help you out, here are some tips to find a much-needed balance.

1. Be organized

Staying organized is one of the best ways to keep balance in both personal and professional life. Create a to-do list each morning and carefully plan your day. Prioritize each task but make sure family commitments and school meetings stay on the calendar no matter what.

2. Keep your family in the loop

Share your schedule with members of your family so they are aware of your whereabouts during the day. Post it on the fridge or send out digital calendars. It is also a good idea to share the same timetable with members of your staff so they also don’t press for your time when you are busy with your family. Ensuring proper communication with both personal and professional members will eliminate arguments and make everyone more understanding of your life goals.

3. Keep a night aside for family

You might not be able to join your family for dinner every night or read stories to your 3-year old during bedtime. But make a habit of keeping a night aside for family where you can do some special activities. A quiet dinner, movie night, or even a computer game night ensures that you share quality time with your children. This will let them know that even though you are not with them for after-school activities, there is a night when everything stops especially for them.

4. Spend time with your partner

Reserve some time for you and your partner sans the kids as well. This will strengthen your relationship and make you less guilty the next time you put in extra hours at work, leaving your significant other to look after domestic responsibilities.

5. Take care of yourself

In the midst of juggling between work and family, don’t forget your own well-being. Take time out for yourself during the day. Go to the gym, get a massage, or even go shopping if it helps renew your energy. And of course, make sure you eat healthy, drink plenty of water and get at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Treating yourself well will keep you more ready to face the challenges of both the personal and professional worlds.

Final thoughts

Juggling family and work is not impossible. It may seem challenging but with proper organization and support, you too can become a successful entrepreneur and have an ideal family life thus balancing startup and family.