MKU Enrichment Activities

Learning in our schools extends far beyond basic language development and building foundational mathematical skills. Extending beyond the traditional elements of the Montessori classroom, at Montessori Kids Universe we offer our students a wide range of MKU enrichment activities. Each of the enrichment activities that we offer provides a different benefit and a different experience.

Enrichment activities we offer:




DaVinci Kids, our proprietary enrichment curriculum was developed with the objective to foster creative thinking skills; integrated through the arts and sciences. Our MKU enrichment curriculum provides many provocations and opportunities for the child to participate, igniting curiosity and developing creative thinking skills. Our unique curriculum focuses on creativity through Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (S.T.E.A.M.). A carefully planned series of successes builds upon the child’s inner confidence, assuring them they can learn independently and creatively. These activities contribute to your child’s healthy emotional development as they continue to build self-confidence.

The combination of the Montessori and Reggio inspired philosophies, integrated with our unique DaVinci Kids curriculum, reinforces and strengthens the child as a competent, creative and curious person. Our curriculum offers an abundance of creative outlets, stimulating projects and social interactions.




Gardening has shown to have many benefits for young children. Some of these benefits include improved alertness, cognitive abilities and social skills. The American Journal of Public Health has also shown that students perform better when they have access to a green space. Other benefits of gardening include: improved STEM skills, building a sense of confidence, encouraging healthy eating, and improves overall psychological wellbeing and mood.




Cooking comes with many practical skills for young kids such as reading, following directions and measuring. Cooking has also been proven to improve fine motor skills, hand eye coordination, and early concepts of math and science.




Yoga has many benefits that we believe are important for our students. Physically yoga enhances flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness. Mentally, yoga improves concentration and provides a sense of calmness and relaxation.




In this increasingly globalized world, becoming bilingual is increasingly vital to everyday life. As Montessori studies have shown, learning an additional language is most realistic during the Absorbent Mind period- the young age when the child’s mind can easily “absorb” additional languages. We provide this opportunity for all our students. At our school we will be introducing the students to Spanish, the second most spoken language in the US after English.




A 2016 study at the University of Southern California’s Brain and Creativity Institute found that being exposed to music at a young age can accelerate brain development, especially in the areas of language acquisition and reading skills. Additionally, music also improves areas of child development and builds intellectual, social, emotional, motor, and language skills as well as overall literacy. Exposing young children to music has also proven to help children learn sounds, the meanings of words and cognitive brain development.

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