توفر عالم أطفال منتسوري الرياض بيئة تعليمية عالية الجودة من بنظام منتسوري الأصلي للأطفال من سن 6 أسابيع حتى 6 سنوات. مقارنةً بمراكز الرعاية النهارية التقليدية، يحصل الطفل الذي يلتحق بمدرس عالم أطفال منتسوري على الرعاية والتحفيز والتعليم.
يتعلم كل طفل مهارات الاعتماد على النفس العملية الحياتية، والكياسة والمجاملات الاجتماعية، بالإضافة إلى مهارات القراءة والكتابة والرياضيات. إنَّ المواد والدروس التي نوفرها في بيئتنا التعليمية بنظام منتسوري تخدم أغراضًا تعليمية وتربوية معينة، وفي الوقت نفسه تجعل الأطفال ينخرطون في حب التعلم. يستفيد الأطفال في عالم أطفال منتسوري من المناهج الثرية باللغات الأجنبية والبستنة والطهي والموسيقى واليوغا!
عالم أطفال منتسوري هو المكان الذي يتعلم فيه الأطفال حب التعلم!
At MKU Mason OH, our infant care environment is cozy, warm, and specially designed for mobility.
The toddler years are the time when children use their bodies, senses and emerging problem-solving skills to make sense of their world, in ways most meaningful and effective for them.
Our Pre-Primary program is far more than childcare or a traditional classroom. While your little ones will be in a safe, age-appropriate setting, they’ll also be able to satisfy their curiosity and learn about the world around them.
The MKU Primary program offers a unique, mixed-age classroom environment, for children approximately 3 to 6 years old. Here, children engage in individual learning experiences, as well as one-on-one learning experiences which are integral to the Montessori method.
During the summer our children pack their suitcases, grab their passports, and take a fantasy trip through-out the world in our Around-the-World summer curriculum.
DaVinci Kids, the MKU proprietary enrichment curriculum was developed with the objective to foster creativity in our children through the arts and sciences.
Learning in our schools extends far beyond basic language development and building foundational mathematical skills. Extending beyond the traditional elements of the Montessori classroom, at Montessori Kids Universe we offer our students a wide range of MKU enrichment activities. Each of the enrichment activities that we offer provides a different benefit and a different experience.
Yoga has many benefits that we believe are important for our students. Physically yoga enhances flexibility, strength, coordination and body awareness. Mentally, yoga improves concentration and provides a sense of calmness and relaxation.
Children love planting and harvesting fruits and vegetables in our schools. Watching the plants in our beautiful gardens come to life and then enjoying the fruits of their labor! Our MKU children enjoy working in our gardens several times per week.
We are proud to nurture, inspire and educate children, intrinsically developing a lifelong love of learning. Contact MKU Mason with the contact information below.