MKU Stone Oak Team

Meet Our Team

Montessori Kids Universe Sone Oak recognizes that our caring, dedicated teachers are what makes our school so valuable. MKU Stone Oak recruits and maintains a high-quality staff through an intensive selection and vetting process. We provide on-going professional development and growth opportunities within our school, and foster a healthy work environment for our employees. Meet the most important aspect of our school: Our quality teaching staff!

Paola Trevino

Paola Trevino

School Director

Paola Trevino was born in the city of Córdoba, Veracruz, and emigrated to the United States at the age of 13. She completed her studies and graduated with an associate degree in general education science. Coming from a family with a comprehensive educational background, Paola has extensive experience in various areas of education for children, from preschool to third grade.

During her first four years in the educational field, Paola was part of a team at a school of excellence in education, serving as an English as a Second Language (ESL) specialist and a member of the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC). Throughout her career, she worked in traditional schools as a preschool teacher and was promoted to the leadership department as an administrative assistant. After a year and a half, she became an Assistant Director, gaining extensive experience and learning the importance of creating a safe, happy, and stimulating environment for children.

Paola is a proud mother of two teenagers. Her son Jair is 20 years old and in his fourth semester of college, and her daughter Alexa is 18 years old, finishing high school. In her free time, Paola enjoys cleaning and organizing, cooking, and spending quality time with her children and family.

Paola feels very grateful and fortunate to be part of MKU Stone Oak. She is dedicated to expanding the primary purpose of the Montessori method, which is to liberate the integral development and potential of each child, helping them achieve the highest degree of their intellectual, physical, and spiritual abilities.

Sarah Smith

Sarah Smith

Sarah has been dedicated to teaching since 2013, with experience ranging from elementary to high school levels. She enjoyed staying at home with her son for his first three years, cherishing every milestone, and she is committed to helping children thrive.

Sarah embraced the Montessori method in 2024 after falling in love with its unique educational philosophy. She is passionate about being an effective teacher and fostering a love of learning in her students.

Outside of school, Sarah enjoys hiking, cooking homemade ice-cream, painting, and spending time with her son. She lives with her husband and son, who are her pride and joy.

Her favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.” This quote resonates with Sarah because she believes every child has immense potential within.

Maria Lopez

Maria Lopez

Maria has been working with young children since 2016, finding it to be an immensely rewarding and transformative experience. She has had the opportunity to engage with children from diverse backgrounds, helping them grow and develop during their formative years.

Maria embraced the Montessori method in 2024, attracted by the calm and peaceful environment compared to other schools and daycares. She is passionate about fostering a nurturing and tranquil atmosphere for her students.

Outside of school, Maria enjoys crafting and hiking. She has been married to her husband for 16 years, and they have a 22-year-old son.

Her favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” This quote resonates with Maria as it emphasizes the importance of nurturing independence and responsibility in children.

Mirtha Gonzalez

Mirtha Gonzalez

Mirtha began her teaching career in 2014 and has found working in childcare to be a very rewarding experience. Every day brings new challenges and opportunities to make a positive impact on children’s lives, whether through educational activities, emotional support, or simply being a caring presence.

Mirtha embraced the Montessori method in 2024, driven by her passion for fostering a love for learning and independence in children.

Outside of school, Mirtha enjoys crafting, which allows her to express her creativity and unwind.

Mirtha is a proud mother of two children, a boy and a girl, and they have an 8-year-old English Bulldog named Roxy who brings joy to their household.

Her favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “The child is both a hope and a promise for mankind.” This quote resonates with Mirtha because it reflects the potential and importance of each child.

Cristina Cuesta

Cristina Cuesta

Cristina began her teaching career in 2010, starting with elementary education in Guatemala and teaching ESL for five years. She then moved to Seattle, where she taught preschool in an outdoor school setting. In 2022, Cristina relocated to San Antonio.

Cristina embraced the Montessori method in 2024, inspired by her journey as a mother and her research into Montessori education. She is passionate about fostering independence in children and is dedicated to nurturing their curiosity and love of learning.

Outside of school, Cristina loves being outdoors, going on hikes with her family, and traveling to show her kids different parts of the world.

Cristina has two children, ages 6 and 3. Her son, Luca, is in the Primary class at MKU and loves sharks and cars.

Her favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “Do not tell them how to do it. Show them how to do it and do not say a word.” This quote resonates with Cristina as it highlights the importance of hands-on learning and independence.

Maria Aguilar

Maria Aguilar

Maria began her teaching career in 1996, offering her students genuine care and creating a loving and respectful environment. She always aims to provide a safe and stimulating atmosphere for learning.

Maria embraced the Montessori method in 2000, finding it to be the best way to help people grow and transcend. She finds immense satisfaction in witnessing her students’ growth, building their skills, and developing their potential.

Outside of school, Maria enjoys painting, cooking, swimming, playing basketball, walking with her pets, and gardening.

Maria’s family includes her husband Horacio, her son Carlo, and their two beloved pets, Megan and Poochie.

We are delighted to have Maria as part of our MKU Stone Oak family, where her dedication and passion continue to inspire and nurture our young learners every day.

Leoni Wallace

Leoni Wallace

Leoni Wallace has been dedicated to teaching since 2000. With a deep love for children, she describes her experience as a child care teacher as the most extraordinary journey of her life, where she feels that the kids are her first teachers.

In 2021, Leoni embraced the Montessori method, driven by her desire to experience a different teaching approach after many years in traditional education overseas. She finds immense joy in the Montessori philosophy and loves fostering independence and a love of learning in her students.

Outside of school, Leoni enjoys cooking with her husband and traveling around the USA and overseas. While she doesn’t have pets at home, she enjoys playing with her relatives’ cat during visits.

We are thrilled to have Leoni as part of our MKU Stone Oak family, where her warmth and enthusiasm inspire our young learners every day.

Estefany Garcia

Estefany Garcia

Estefany Garcia began her teaching career in 2021, demonstrating a deep commitment to the well-being and development of every child she works with. She cherishes the relationships she builds with children of all ages, helping them reach important milestones.

In 2024, Estefany embraced the Montessori method, where she finds immense joy in nurturing curiosity, fostering independence, and celebrating each child’s unique journey of self-discovery and learning. For Estefany, being a Montessori teacher is more than a profession; it’s a passion.

Outside of school, Estefany enjoys reading books peacefully by the pool, listening to the soothing sounds of water and birds, and appreciating nature.

Her family is her greatest source of love and support, and she cherishes every moment spent creating fun and memorable experiences with them. Although she doesn’t have any pets, her heart is full with the love of her family.

Her favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “Education is a natural process carried out by the child and is not acquired by listening to words but by experiences in the environment.” This quote resonates deeply with Estefany as it underscores the importance of hands-on learning in a child’s education.

Mayalin del Valle Armandariz Ramirez

Mayalin del Valle Armandariz Ramirez

Mayalin del Valle Armandariz Ramirez began her teaching career in 2004, working as a primary school teacher and attending to children aged 9-11 years. She embraced the Montessori method in 2024 and has found her experience within the institution to be 100% positive. She values the opportunity to get to know different cultures, which has been a rewarding challenge.

Outside of school, Mayalin enjoys sewing, knitting, and reading. She is the mother of 4 daughters, 3 of whom live in the United States and one in Venezuela. She also has a 6-year-old dog named Rocky.


We are delighted to have Mayalin as part of our MKU Stone Oak family, where her dedication and passion continue to inspire and nurture our young learners every day.

Yilmara Soto

Yilmara Soto

Yilmara began her teaching career in 2018, gaining a positive and enriching experience in childcare. She has learned to care for children and navigate the various challenges that come with the job.

Yilmara embraced the Montessori method in 2019 and is passionate about how children absorb knowledge from their prepared environment through direct contact, practice, and discovery.

Outside of school, Yilmara enjoys listening to music, cooking, and taking care of her plants.

She lives with her husband, their two children, and two cats. The family enjoys watching movies together and visiting the beach during the summer.

We are delighted to have Yilmara as part of our MKU Stone Oak family, where her dedication and passion continue to inspire and nurture our young learners every day.

Andrea Farek

Andrea Farek

Andrea began her teaching career in 2020. She grew up around her nephews and nieces and became an au pair while living in North Carolina. When she moved to Texas, she had the opportunity to work in a Montessori school and fell in love with the educational method.

Andrea embraced the Montessori method in 2020, driven by her passion for witnessing how children learn at their own pace and helping them work independently and respectfully.

Outside of school, Andrea enjoys cooking, boating on the lake, baking, hiking, and spending time with her son, husband, and dogs. She has a 6-month-old son named Samuel and two Labradors named Pepper and Banjo. Andrea loves spending quality time with her husband and their pets.

Her favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “We must help the child to act for himself, will for himself, think for himself.” This quote resonates with Andrea because it highlights the importance of fostering independence in children.

Mari Santiago

Mari Santiago

Mari began her teaching career in 2021, starting with Pre-K 4 students as a teacher assistant. She was involved in helping, supervising, and teaching them with appropriate activities for their age, providing food, and facilitating play. She then worked with toddlers and now teaches infants at Montessori.

Mari embraced the Montessori method in 2024, finding it to be a daily reminder of the importance of maintaining creativity, compassion, and patience in her work. She believes that, like Montessori teachers, we can improve the lives of our children.

Outside of school, Mari enjoys going to the gym, shopping, and having brunch with friends. She has two children, both in college. She lives with her husband and son, while her daughter attends college at Ohio University. The family also has two dogs, a 14-year-old Yorkie and a 6-year-old Morkie.

Mari’s favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “Of all things, love is the most potent.” She believes that demonstrating love to children is essential, no matter what.

Aaryn Long

Aaryn Long

Aaryn began her teaching career in 2018, starting right out of high school by subbing primary grades. This experience led her to a learning center where she worked with kids on the spectrum, ages two to five years.

Aaryn embraced the Montessori method in 2024, driven by her passion for showing future leaders the value of independence and learning about different cultural environments.

Outside of school, Aaryn enjoys spending time with family and friends. She is a twin, with her twin being a minute older than her. Aaryn also has an older sister and two baby nephews who are her world.

Her favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.” This quote resonates with Aaryn because it makes children feel respected and capable.

Allison Pulido

Allison Pulido

Allison began her teaching career in 2017 and has experience as both an assistant and lead teacher. She embraced the Montessori method in the same year, driven by her love for being around the kids and watching them grow.

Outside of school, Allison goes to school, runs a small business, and loves watching Disney movies.

Allison’s family background includes a mother who grew up in Ohio and a father from California. She has a dog named Toby and is in the process of getting a new one.

Her favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “Of all things, love is most potent,” which resonates with her belief in the power of love in education.

We are delighted to have Allison as part of our MKU family, where her dedication and passion continue to inspire and nurture our young learners every day.

Ilse Ramos

Ilse Ramos

Ilse began her teaching career in 2024. Although this is her first experience as a childcare provider, she has always been passionate about kids and their development.

Ilse embraced the Montessori method in 2024. Learning about the Montessori approach has been incredibly helpful for her as a first-time mom and has reinforced what she learned during Med School about child development and behavior.

Outside of school, Ilse loves spending time with her family and friends, going out to new restaurants, shopping, parks, BBQs, and more. She is a proud mom of a 3-year-old boy who is her everything, and being a mom is her greatest achievement and passion.

We are thrilled to have Ilse Ramos as part of our MKU Stone Oak family, where her dedication and passion continue to inspire and nurture our young learners every day.

Nathalie Alvarez

Nathalie Alvarez

Nathalie began her teaching career in 2019 as an assistant teacher in a toddler classroom in Mexico. She then became a Math and Art teacher in a Montessori school from 2020 to 2023. Nathalie also served as an assistant teacher in a Montessori school in Dallas, Texas for six months in 2023 before becoming a lead teacher in San Antonio, Texas. She is currently a lead teacher in 2024 at MKU Stone Oak.

Nathalie fell in love with the Montessori philosophy from the moment it was presented to her. She witnessed how the philosophy works wonderfully in different learning processes and appreciates the beauty of the Montessori materials.

Outside of school, Nathalie enjoys hiking and visiting National and State Parks, going to the gym with her husband, and painting canvases with watercolor and acrylic paint. Her family lives in Mexico, and she has an older brother, two sisters (one of whom is her twin), and her current family includes her husband Gabriel and their beautiful kitty named Turkey.

Nathalie’s favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “Education is the best weapon for peace.” This quote resonates with her belief in the power of education to bring about positive change.

Sandra Martinez

Sandra began her teaching career in 2023 when she moved to Texas. Working with children quickly became her passion, and she strives to improve her work every day.

Sandra embraced the Montessori method in 2024. She loves how Montessori teachers provide children with freedom, value their independence, and promote self-sufficiency and motivation. Sandra also appreciates the Montessori values of cooperation, kindness, and community strength.

Outside of school, Sandra enjoys spending time with her family and exploring more of San Antonio. She has three children, Diego, Luciano, and Matias, and two small Pomeranian dogs named Mila and Nala.

Sandra’s favorite Maria Montessori quotes are, “Education is the best weapon for peace,” and “Of all things, love is the most potent.” These quotes resonate with her belief in the power of education and love.

Alexandra Trujillo

Alexandra Trujillo

Alexandra began her teaching career in 2023. She loves working with children because there is always something new to learn from them, and they constantly show their love, making it a job she truly enjoys.

In 2024, Alexandra embraced the Montessori method. She loves seeing children become more independent and learning practical life skills in a fun and engaging way.

Outside of school, Alexandra enjoys drawing, painting, and reading. She has two pugs named Hercules and Zeus, and although she doesn’t have children yet, she looks forward to the future.

Alexandra’s favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” This quote resonates with her because she believes that children are smarter than we often think.

We are delighted to have Alexandra Trujillo as part of our MKU family, where her dedication and passion continue to inspire and nurture our young learners every day.

Maria Anaya

Maria Anaya

Maria began her teaching career in 2023. She has worked with children since she was 15 through horse therapy and later worked in a traditional daycare when she moved to San Antonio.

In 2024, Maria embraced the Montessori method. Having attended a Montessori school for much of her childhood, she feels passionate about teaching the same values and fostering independence in her students.

Outside of school, Maria enjoys painting, hiking, spending time with animals, and being with her loved ones. She has two dogs, Tasha and Uni, who she loves spending time with.

Maria’s favorite Maria Montessori quote is not provided, but her dedication to the Montessori philosophy shines through her work and interactions with the children.

We are thrilled to have Maria Anaya as part of our MKU Stone Oak family, where her dedication and passion continue to inspire and nurture our young learners every day.

Yamile Johanna Romero Cruz

Yamile Johanna Romero Cruz

Yamile has extensive experience working with children, particularly those who are victims of forced displacement. She has developed social projects with vulnerable populations, learning the importance of resilience in the lives of young children.

Yamile began teaching Montessori in 2024. She loves interacting with children and witnessing their daily progress. Seeing their faces light up with amazement and satisfaction is something that comforts her at the end of each day, knowing that there is always progress in their development.

Outside of school, Yamile enjoys walking in the woods, spending time with her family, and traveling. She is a proud mother of two beautiful daughters, Gabriela (13) and María José (8), and with her husband, they aim to create cherished family memories.

We are delighted to have Yamile Johanna Romero Cruz as part of our MKU Stone Oak family, where her dedication and passion continue to inspire and nurture our young learners every day.

Susana Hernandez

Susana Hernandez

Susana began her teaching journey 14 months ago. She finds the Montessori method to be an exciting and innovative experience, learning from it every day.

In 2024, Susana embraced the Montessori philosophy. She loves socializing with the little ones and supporting them in their development, helping them take significant steps and witnessing their evolution. For her, it is gratifying to see how they develop day by day and being a part of that process fills her with joy.

Outside of school, Susana enjoys watching movies and engaging in light exercise. She feels blessed to have a close-knit family that supports each other.

We are thrilled to have Susana Hernandez as part of our MKU Stone Oak family, where her dedication and passion continue to inspire and nurture our young learners every day.

Sylvia Guerin

Sylvia Guerin

Sylvia Guerin has been enriching the lives of children since she began her teaching career in 1997. She loves sparking curiosity and a love of learning in her students and has recently embraced the Montessori method in 2024.

Outside of school, Sylvia enjoys spending time with her family. She and her husband have been married for 27 years and have five children. They also have a spoiled Shih Tzu dog.

Sylvia’s favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “Perhaps a great future leader or a great genius is with us and his power will come from the power of the child he is today. This is the vision that we must have. We are shaping future leaders.”

We are thrilled to have Sylvia as part of our MKU Stone Oak family, where her dedication and passion continue to inspire our young learners

Martha Bello

Martha Bello

Martha began her teaching career in 2015, working in social programs within orphanages and even with babies born inside women’s prisons. Her dedication to promoting psychomotor development and emotional intelligence in babies and toddlers has been a cornerstone of her career.

Martha embraced the Montessori method in March of this year, initially implementing it with her own daughter. As a Montessori teacher, she is committed to fostering a positive, empathetic, and inclusive learning environment. She believes in the importance of guiding children and nurturing their natural curiosity and intelligence.

Outside of school, Martha enjoys dancing and playing with her two beautiful girls. She cherishes the time spent with her family, including her husband, who is her best friend, and their dachshund named Brownie.

Her favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “Our care of the child should be governed, not by the desire to make him learn things, but by the endeavor always to keep burning within him that light which is called intelligence.” This quote resonates with Martha as it highlights the importance of respecting the unique way children see the world.

Zulima Avila

Zulima Avila

Zulima Avila has been teaching for a year and a half. As the mother of two girls, she has always felt a deep love for children, seeing them as the future. Teaching has been a beautiful experience for her.

Zulima embraced the Montessori method in 2024 and loves its philosophy. She enjoys working in contact with nature, using environmentally friendly activities applied to everyday life.

Outside of school, Zulima loves walking in parks and enjoying nature.

Currently, she doesn’t have any pets, but in the past, she had dogs, cats, and turtles.

Her favorite Maria Montessori quote is, “Let the children develop their knowledge by observing them.” This quote resonates with Zulima as it highlights the importance of allowing children to learn and grow through observation.